Online Vedic Maths Classes

Online Vedic Maths Classes & Much More

Online Vedic Maths Classes help to excellently develop student calculation skills in maths. The faster calculations give them higher confidence in maths and develop their interest. Doing the program, students have been able to solve math problems more accurately and faster. It has reduced their rough work and helped in scoring higher in school maths and olympiads. Maths is life skill. Developing this skill with vedic techniques, children acquire this skill for life. The Classes are offered Online, Live and Interactive in Small Batches.

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Online Vedic Maths Classes

We help your kids develop mental maths skills with speed building techniques with online classes & offline classes.

Vedic Maths Classes Near Me

Traditional Calculation

We help your kids reinforce the methods of calculations taught in the school.

Vedic Maths Classes Near Me

Word Problems

We help your child understand word problems , visualize and thereby they can solve it easily

vedic maths classes near me

Maths Games/Activities

Maths Activities, Puzzles and Games gives active learning environment to kids.

Centers and Schools

Frequently Asked Questions

It is an ancient system of calculation found in the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Shri  Bharati Krishna Tirathji.  The place where he was born in 1884 is Puri in Orrisa. He had exceptional knowledge and skills in the subjects of Maths, Science, Sanskrit and Humanities. He had learnt these vedic techniques from  “Rig Veda”.

Mrs. Shakuntla Devi another mathematics genius has also mentioned the importance of Vedic Maths in her teachings and how it helps in faster calculations.

Shri Bharti Krishna Tirthaji is called the father of Vedic Maths. He took to self realization at Shringeri Matha with guidance of Shri Shankracharya, Shri Sachidananda Shiva Abhinava Narsimha Saraswati. He spent  7 years in deep meditation and study of Vedanta and  lived the life of a Sadhu from 1911 to 1918. During this period , the 16 Sutras of Vedic Maths were made. He was called Shri Bharti Krishna Tirthaji after being initiated into Sanyas in July 1919 by Shri Trivikram Teerathaji of Varanasi.

  • Vedic Maths offers simpler and faster methods of calculation to students. 
  • It develops their understanding of Maths.
  • Both the junior and Senior Vedic Maths helps children develop their mathematical ability to score high in school maths, and higher competitive exams.
  • It can be learnt and mastered with ease and in a very short time.
  • It also provides a set of independent cross-checking methods.
  • Problems are reduced to one-line answers.
  • Reduces dependence on calculators.
  •  Games and maths activities in this program develops student’s interest and builds fun learning environment.
  • Online Vedic Maths Classes are done in small batches.
  • These classes are live, online and interactive sessions.
  • Students and given practice and oral /written work assignments are given for practice. 

Offline or Online Vedic Maths Classes is relevant to students in every grade from Class 2 – 10th . Each student attends two sessions every week.  However, the program would move as per the learning ability and pace of the child.

Students are taught in small batch sizes to ensure personal attention to each and every student.

Yes, periodic assessments are part of the online Vedic maths classes program. Before joining the program, the child is assessed to know strength areas and areas of improvement of every child. Thereby after understanding the student’s current mathematical ability, students are guided to improve their logical skills. As per the approach guided in the curriculum, the child’s ability is re-assessed through continuous tests. This gives a clear progress chart of the child. Thereby teaming up with parents, the teacher and student work together for a common goal of student’s maths development.

It is an (after-school) math-learning programme. As a result, while home-based tuitions focuses primarily on the school syllabus and preparing students for their tests and exams. This is a maths skill program which intends to develop calculative ability of the child. It thereby helps in school maths and also at maths olympiads.

Winaum Learning offers Vedic Maths OFFLINE training Centers all over the country and also classes can be taken ONLINE. To get the information about the course, just click on buttons for signup or link for free trial and fill in your details.  The coordinating team shall contact you and give you  information about the course , arrange a free trial for your child and share the fee details.

Most of the kids have struggled with math calculation at the different ages in school. Some children face math difficulty in early ages and others when they grow up. Sometimes it becomes a math phobia and children start hating math classes. But with Vedic maths coaching it can change. Under the banner of Maplemaths, Winaum Learning offer Vedic Maths coaching in India and around the world and maths becomes fun for the child. The engaging curriculum that it has , helps kids to eliminate their fear of maths and children start loving maths. These calculations have lot of tricks and short cuts which help children to calculate faster. Know more by clicking here.

The most common problem that is found among children while doing maths is, that they are slow in calculations. Calculation is based on four main pillars which are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and of course higher calculative ability also. Once the kids get comfortable with numbers and they know how to do it faster, their confidence keeps on growing from one class to another. The course offers a variety of short cut methods helping kids to solve difficult math calculations easily. Surely, once the kids are done with course , they love maths even more.

Many a time when we ask children, how would they feel if they get a little time during the exam. Almost all of them will say , they would feel great. Students with this extra time would be able to recheck their answers and revise the whole paper.Now since Vedic Maths helps children to do calculations faster with a lot tricks and techniques. Once the kids has understood the math question, knowing the faster method to calculate the answer , they would save a lot of time. Each second saved is extra time earned. So Vedic maths helps kids save a lot of time in while doing calculations with the variety of methods the course offers.

When the kids grow up and join offices for work,  they all use calculators and computers for calculation specially in financial and real estate field apart from other. But early dependence on calculators is not a good sign. The more we train our brain with mental calculations the brain also grows. With Vedic Maths you learn a lot of fast calculation techniques that help you to save time and thereby there is less dependency on calculators.

The brain becomes dull when it stops learning new things. With Vedic Maths, children learn to look at the numbers from a new angle. The logic of maths calculations is explained here in a very easy manner and it is easier to pick up for every child. With time the mind is able to deal with higher difficulty level and the brain grows. The neural network of brain create new pathways and you become more intelligent and it keeps your brain healthy for years.

Students are given study material which includes textbooks, formula guides, and tips & tricks sheet.

The faculty members are trained teachers and have years of experience in teaching Vedic math.

Yes, it will definitely help children in school maths and math olympiads. Vedic maths will help you improve your calculation speed which is a boon during examinations.

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