Maths Tuition Classes for Kids with Maplemaths
- Develops Maths concepts understanding
- Increases the speed of calculation and also builds accuracy
- Continuous practice tests
- Mental Maths techniques using short cuts and tricks
- Complements School Maths
- Prepares children better for school maths and maths olympiads
Vandana Sharma
Vandana Sharma is a Maplemaths Teacher based in Sector 75 Faridabad. She loves teaching kids.
Vibha Bhatia
Vibha Bhatia is a Maplemaths teacher based in Sector 49, Faridabad. She has been for last 2 years and loves teaching maths to kids.
The maths program with Maplemaths is of 1 year duration. The program has got four parts and each part is for 3 months. The children take sessions 2 days a week wherein each session is of 1 hour duration.
The classes in Maplemaths is conducted in small batches to ensure personal attention to each and every child.
There are continuous assessments of every child to find the challanging areas and thereby guiding children and parents together for improvements. We also have 3 months formal assessment when the child completes every level.
At Maplemaths Centers, each teacher is trained, certified and teamed up with to ensure each child is groomed with personal attention. The progress of each child is monitored to ensure best scores in school tests and olympiads.
- Maple Maths creates maths interest in children with activities and games.
- It gives children a better understanding of Maths.
- The program focuses to develop mental maths of kids helping them in school maths and math olympiad.
- It increases the speed of calculation helping children save time in doing maths
- Children know both the methods with this program- Conventional methods of calculations and shorts as well.
- Maple Math is complementary to regular Math taught in schools.
- Meaningful situations – for the application of mathematical skills are created by games
- Motivation – children freely choose to participate and enjoy playing.
- Positive attitude – Games provide opportunities for building self-concept and developing positive attitudes towards mathematics, through reducing the fear of failure and error.
- Increased learning – in comparison to more formal activities, greater learning can occur through games due to the increased interaction between children, opportunities to test intuitive ideas and problem solving strategies.
- Different levels – Games can allow children to operate at different levels of thinking and to learn from each other. In a group of children playing a game, one child might be encountering a concept for the first time, another may be developing his/her understanding of the concept, consolidating previously learned concepts.
- Assessment – children’s thinking often becomes apparent through the actions and decisions they make during a game and through written assessments, so the teacher has the opportunity to carry out diagnosis and assessment of learning in a non-threatening situation.
- Home and school – Games provide ‘hands-on’ interactive tasks for both school and home.
Maplemaths curriculum in Junior Program includes the school methods of calculation, sharing the time -saving techniques and using activities with games for encouraging their interest, along with basic word problems.
The senior program curriculum is majorly focused with higher level speed calculation techniques, thereby contributing them save their time in attempting questions.