Maths Tuition Classes in Rohini with Maplemaths

Conceptual understanding is the most important thing in maths. The primary focus of the program is to improve the concepts at the first place.

Maths is all about accuracy and if done with speed, it makes the child competitive. Here in the program, the clear focus as a next step is to teach the child speed building techniques along with the school methods of calculations. 

Continuous maths practice tests is part and parcel of the program. Mental maths techniques and conceptual understanding help children always score better ranks in school exams and olympiads.

Each child has a different pace of learning and thereby we teach in small batches. This ensures every child gets personal attention from our teacher.

Centers & Schools

Maths Tuition Classes in Rohini

Shri Ram Global Preschool

Sector 13 Rohini (Near Bhagwati Hospital). Yukta Sharma takes the Maplemaths Classes here. She loves kids teaching maths.

Anisha Jhamb

Anisha Jhamb has done Masters in Commerce. She is based at B-501 welcome apartment Sector-9 Rohini, Delhi.


Harshita takes Maplemaths classes from Pitampura. She is very passionate about teaching mathematics.

FAQs on Maths Tuition Classes in Rohini

The course module is of one year duration. It is divided into four levels. Each level is for 3 months. Students need to attend 2 classes of one hour each every week. The program is relevant students from class KG to class X. 

  • Maplemaths Foundation program is for  Class KG to Class 1. Here the focus is to develop number sense of the child.
  • Junior Maplemaths is for children of Class 2 to Class 5. The focus here is to revise the school methods of calculations and speed building mental maths techniques. Children also do word problems and games /activities motivates them and generate love for maths.
  • Senior Maplemaths is relevant for students of Class 6 to Class 10.  Here the focus on higher calculations and speed building in maths.


Students are taught in small batch sizes to ensure each child gets personal attention during the class.

There are continuous assessments of children. Students are assessed before they join the program and after every three months they are re-assessed. Apartment from this, children attend continuous maths test to help understand their errors and thereby teachers focus to improve them on the such areas in maths.

  • Maple Maths focuses to develop understanding of Maths and make it interesting with a lot of new techniques and methods for calculations.
  • Because the program helps in developing speed in calculations, students are able to save time in doing maths. The result is they score higher in school tests and maths olympiads.
  • It complements the conventional maths taught in schools and hence it is for children to pick up and learn.
  • Develops Fluency Through Games.
  • Motivation – children freely choose to participate and enjoy playing.
  • Continuous assessments help children to understand where they make mistakes and eliminate them. This helps them improvise each time and leads to better scores.
  • It helps eliminate finger counting , rough work and slow calculations.

Maths Tuition Classes Videos in Rohini Delhi with Maplemaths

Maths Tuition Classes Centers with Maplemaths

Syllabus Maths Tuition Center in Rohini Delhi